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Rovas 5W-30 C2

Fully synthetic Mid SAPS motor oil for passenger cars

Rovas 5W-30 C2 is a high-performance Mid SAPS motor oil for gasoline and diesel engines of passenger cars and vans of the latest generation, where PSA B71 2290 or Renault RN 0700 specification is required. It is also suitable for engines requiring ACEA C2, A5/B5, A1/B1 specifications. Ensures up to 3% fuel economy.

  • High thermal stability and oxidation resistance
  • Fuel economy
  • Excellent resistance against foaming, corrosion and wear.
  • Excellent low-temperature properties ensuring easy and safe cold start
  • Extended drain intervals
  • Suitable for engines with most modern exhaust gas treatment systems, such as diesel particulate filter (DPF), three-way catalyst (TWC) and nitrogen oxide emission reduction system (DeNOx).
  • ACEA C2, A5/B5, A1/B1
  • PSA B71 2290
  • Renault RN 0700
Properties Unit Method Value
SAE viscosity class SAE J3000 5W-30
Density at 15°C kg/l ASTM D4052 0.856
Kinematic viscosity at 40°C mm²/s ASTM D7042 57.0
Kinematic viscosity at 100°C mm²/s ASTM D7042 10.1
Viscosity index ASTM D2270 170
Viscosity CCS at -30°C, max. cP ASTM D5293 6,600
Flash point COC °C ASTM D92 225
Pour point °C ASTM D97 -39
Total base number mg KOH/g ASTM D2896 7.5
Sulphated ash %(w) ASTM D874 0.79